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Eagles Locker Room: Offense

Eagles QB Mark Sanchez

Q: Did they do anything different defensively than you thought they would coming in?

A: They mixed it up a little bit. The second time you play them, the second go-round, it's always something a little different, a little wrinkle. But more than anything, that's just a well-coached team; disciplined, tough, smart, and we knew it was going to take our best effort. I think we were pretty close to firing on all cylinders and just an awesome team win. We talked about it all week—that we wanted to do well in three phases, all three phases. Special teams got us a touchdown, defense got us a turnover, offense started to score some points, and we started fast. It was just a joy to end it that way and we're not obviously where we want to be, but it's much better to end it this way than on the losing end.

Q: Now that the season's over, how do you think you improved as a player since you stepped on the field in Houston?

A: I've never had games where we've completed this many balls. I feel like I'm seeing things pretty clear. We're hitting guys downfield, underneath, just feeling the pocket, getting better and better with these guys, so it's been, it's been really fun. Just an awesome experience.

Q: How close do you think this offense is to being where it really wants to be?

A: We showed it at times and now the trick is to do it consistently. Drive in, drive out. And that's what everybody's working towards in the league and so we know we have it, we know we have the potential and the right players and all that, so we'll figure it out and just continue to get better.

Q: Was it less emotional coming in here because it was the Giants and not the Jets?

A: I don't know about that. Anytime you come back to a stadium where you have so many fun memories and you know playing here for five, four years really, the first year we played in the old stadium, but, just a ton of great memories here and you know I was happy my dad got to be here. So I saw him before and after the game and he was just thrilled, big smile on his face. It's great to come back to a stadium like this and win.

Q: You mentioned before this season that you wanted to be a starter in the NFL and you said it again halfway through the season. Would you be open to coming back to this team if you're not guaranteed the starting job?

A: Listen, I'm not going to get into all the hypothetical stuff. I don't know what's going on. All I know is we had an awesome win today, we'll leave it at that. Any more personnel questions, ask Coach Kelly.

Q: Was it hard to end the season, to know that it's over, because you guys played pretty well except for that stretch there?

A: Yeah, of course, you never want to go into this last game knowing that the season's going to be over no matter what. However, I was proud of the way guys prepared all week. I thought they put their heart and soul into this game, knowing that we grew up dreaming about this as kids. And sure, it's not an ideal situation, but at the same time, you've got to take advantage of this last opportunity we had as a team and as a family, so it was great to get a win.

Q: Do you think you changed at all people's perception of you as a quarterback based on what you had done in New York versus what you did here this season?

A: You know, I don't know, that's for you guys to debate about and, frankly, I'm not really worried about that. That's not even on my mind. I'm thrilled about getting the opportunity, I'm thrilled about making new friends on this team and hopefully we can continue to do stuff in the future, but, you know, we'll see.

Q: Do you think at all that you may not be back. Do you do that a little bit after the game?

A: Oh, for sure. I think those last couple of plays when we were taking a knee, guys just looked around and you've got to take in that moment and realize that it's never going to be exactly the same anymore, ever again. And every year it's like that. You know there's just a turnstile door in every building and you know guys are in and out. Either your locker mates or good friends and good teammates and then they're gone, so you learn that quickly. There's a lot of turnover in this league and in this business, but it was so great to get a win. I've been on the other end where you lose that last game and everybody's pointing fingers and getting upset and all that, and that's no fun. And that's not the way we wanted to go out and I'm glad we accomplished what we could today.

Q: On your first touchdown pass, you seemed to erupt in joy. What was different about that pass?

A: I don't know, it's fun. This is a fun game. When things work, when you script something and you get the exact look and you execute it the right way and all 11 guys are on the same page, there's nothing else like it and I'm just thrilled for Jordan [Matthews] to get another touchdown, I'm thrilled for Shady [LeSean McCoy] to run the way he did, for [Zach] Ertz to catch a bunch of balls, [Riley] Coop[er] and [Jeremy] Mac[lin], all those guys. I'm just fired up when they get a chance to touch the ball and make something happen. I think all the guys feel like that, and that's why we have so much fun.

RB LeSean McCoy

Q: How concerned were you when you went down toward the end of the game?

A: I wasn't worried at all. My knee twisted up. I sent a quick prayer. The Lord has been great to me and has taken care of me throughout my career, so I put it in His hands. It was an MCL sprain.

Q: How important was it for you guys to win this game?

A: It's big to end the season in the right way. Ten wins is very hard to get to in this league. And this was a divisional opponent, so we had to get the win.

Q: What do you have to do to get where you want to get to next year?

A: I have to limit my turnovers and just play Eagles football. And stay healthy. That's the biggest thing.

Q: How important is it to get Jeremy Maclin back for next year?

A: He's a put a lot of hard work together and now it's time to compensate him for all the great things he's done for this team. We need him. Also, it's to prove everybody wrong. We got injured. We got rid of DeSean (Jackson). There were so many questions, like 'do we have the number one receiver?' I think everyone knows the answer to that. I'm happy for Mac.

WR Jordan Matthews

Q: How much do you want to see the organization bring Jeremy Maclin back?

A:  I might slip them 20 bucks, we need that cat, know what I'm saying? I don't know if he heard me.  Hey Mac, Mac. He asked me how much I want to see that deal get done, I told him I might even slip them 20 bucks. I'm cheap, I'm cheap. You know, that's love, we've got to keep that cat. Just for so many reasons.  Any guys we commit to, bring in here, defensive, offensive, special teams-wise, if you just watch him, you are going to get better because mentally he's leaps and bounds beyond a lot of players in this league. You've got to look at what he does in an offense with a bunch of moving parts. You could isolate that cat on the outside and just throw him a million balls and he could go for 200 yards every single game. He's unselfish, he comes in, he plays the offense. He's been nothing but supportive of me the whole time. That's the big bro, the big homie, we've got to make sure we keep him. Like I said, I don't know how much you need to sign him, but I might slip them a few bucks.

Q: Has he asked you to represent him? You sound like a pretty good agent.

A: Yeah, I got him, man. Maclin and Matthews for president, man. I'm the vice. Coop is the Secretary of State. We got it.

Q: Chip Kelly said he addressed the team. What did you take from it?

A: The best thing that Chip said, he was like guys, you know, all the stuff on the outside, okay, you can look in, you can analyze it, but he just put a big thing on the board that said, 'Win.' That's all that matters, man. Just go out and win. And not just in the game. But win in every fashion of the game. Win as a teammate, win as a brother, win for the guy next to you. Win every play, every second. And then, when you do that, those little things add up to a victory all together. And I think you saw that tonight. Defense played great. They had that huge pick at the end. Offense played great. Mark (Sanchez), I feel he managed the game extremely well. The running backs ran hard. The receivers made plays. And special teams. Trey Burton, he's been playing hard all season. He was able to get us a big one. I think James Casey blocked a punt. So that's two tight ends right there working hard all year. You can see them making a play. It's been good, but like I said, we've got to go back to drawing board and try to get better in the offseason.

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