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Game Vs. Panthers: Locker Room Offense


On his long run in the 1st quarter:** "We just go. The line had it blocked up pretty well. They did a great job all night making holes. I just hit the crack, saw some open field, I gave some moves and felt one of the defenders coming in pursuit and I went. I should have scored."

On whether he was happy with the amount of work he had tonight: "I could have gotten a little more work. I mean as a whole, I think our offense should have put more points on the board. I think in the first half, we made small mental mistakes and had turnovers, which killed us over the last two years. So, I think we have had enough of that and it's time to change it. So, I think as an offense we needed more work."

On whether he felt rusty at all: "Yeah, definitely did. I didn't feel as though I had my legs under me. I missed some practice due to my knee. This type of offense is so different because we go at such a faster tempo. You need to be conditioned to run that type of tempo. It was crazy because I saw how tired the defense was. I was like 'wow,' imagine if it was like this for four quarters. It just shows you how effective the offense will be."

On his touchdown and when during that play he knew that the ball was coming to him: "The thing about our offense is that so many players want to make plays and this offense gives you great opportunities to make the plays. We have so many different weapons. So, it's only a matter of time until we see how this thing works out. I am excited."

On how he feels after playing his first game in this offense: "I think everything that (head) coach (Chip) Kelly has taught us and told us about this offense has been correct, as far as the fast tempo and keeping the defense off balance. It's so hard for defenses to get their calls in, because we are going so fast. It's effective. I also think that when you execute and know what you are doing, it's also effective. I think that if we can minimize the small mistakes and capitalize on our plays, we will be fine."

On how balanced the offense was in the first half: "There you go, we are keeping teams off balance. When you run the ball that much, defenses don't know what is coming. Plus, we are so spread out, it can be a run play that turns into a pass. I am just happy to be a part of it."

On why he thinks QB Michael Vick is having so much success in this offense: "Mike is one of the most athletic players, not just quarterbacks in the league. His ability to run the ball and throw the ball, throws defenses off. So, when he gets back in that shotgun and goes to hand the ball off, you don't know what he's going to do. The fakes hold the guys long enough that they can't get up in that hole, they pause. Also, there are times that he drops back and Mike can throw the ball. He is accurate and the offense just fits him. He's a great player. So is (QB) Nick Foles. Coach Kelly has a tough job."

QB Matt Barkley

On whether this offense is similar to the one he ran at USC: "There are a lot of similarities. Maybe not the tempo of it, but once the ball is snapped, it came back to me with all the quick decisions, seeing hot routes, seeing pressures and seeing open zones. There are a lot of shorter routes and when the deeper routes are open, you have to take it. You keep dinking and dunking and then you go over the corners' heads."

On watching LeSean McCoy play in person tonight: "I got to see the real Shady in person. I watched a bunch of youtube highlights, but he is the real deal. It was fun watching him move the ball down the field."

On what he gets from watching QB's Michael Vick and Nick Foles during the preseason: "You just watch them move the ball, make their reads, and how they handle the offense. The tape tells us the most from what is going on from a schematics viewpoint. You see how they conduct themselves in the huddle and during timeouts."

WR Jason Avant

On whether the offense has been showing a lot of what they plan to do in the regular season: "We still have a bunch of things that we still have to put in and we are just trying our best to execute. Everyone is still learning and there is a bunch of things that we can still do better. We are having a rookie experience because we can't play as fast as we want to. We are trying."

On how impressed he is with QB Michael Vick's accuracy so far this preseason: "I am always impressed. Both quarterbacks are always impressive. I think being in this offense with so many different reads and having so many different options, I think it's a comfortable offense for Mike. Both guys are looking good. We are happy with both guys."

On which quarterback he believes has taken the lead: "I am not getting into that. That is for the coaches to decide and for you guys to talk about."

On whether it is getting to the point where it would help to know who is going to start: "For the receivers, we just have to see the ball and catch it. For us, it's going well. The competition is causing both guys to play well. For every position out there, there are a lot of good players on this team that are going to play elsewhere and here this season. The competition is causing the best to come out of us. It's the best for our team."

C Jason Kelce

On what he saw from the offense tonight: "I think there are a lot of good things we did, but 400 yards of offense does not mean anything if you put 14 points up on the board. We have to do a better job of not turning the ball over and finishing drives. But, that is what the preseason is about. We are doing a lot of really good things, but we have to do what counts and get the ball in the end zone."

On whether he is excited about the possibilities with this offense: "I haven't been this excited about football in a long time. The whole way the offense is structured and the scheming and all the stuff we are doing, it's really exciting to see where we are going to go."

On what percentage of the offense they have showed so far: "I couldn't guess on that. It's been pretty vanilla, but we are running pretty much the standard plays of the offense, but we are certainly leaving stuff out."

On what he saw from the quarterbacks tonight: "Both quarterbacks are playing very well. All the quarterbacks are playing well. At this point, I really don't think it makes a difference who starts, the offense is going to be successful regardless. We have one more game for the starters to figure this thing out. So, it will be interesting to see how this thing shakes out."

On whether it would help to know who the starter is at quarterback: "We have had enough snaps with all of them to know how everyone plays. For the offensive linemen, it doesn't make that big of a difference. At this point, I am trying to improve what the offensive line is doing and not even worry about the quarterback."

On whether he was able to watch RB LeSean McCoy's long run: "Yeah, he has a tendency to make offensive linemen look good. It's fun having him back. He's a really fun player to play with. He's a live character on the sideline and in the game. It was really fun to have him back out there."

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