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Game Vs. Panthers: QB Nick Foles


On his ball security:** "I think with the snaps, I messed up on two of them today.  It's just looking the ball in; I think my eyes are going up on the defense too fast. I have to make sure I look the ball in and be smart with the football. I made a bad play worse on the second fumble by trying to throw it out (of the end zone) and I did not get it there. I just have to be able to learn from it."

On his interception in the first quarter: "At the time I was trying to get the snap and you don't know where the defense is, so I turned around and felt a little bit of pressure. Then I was going to try and throw it through the back of the end zone, and something happened that it was just not able to get there."

On whether he thinks the coaches will look at more than just the stats when comparing the quarterbacks: "I think so, but that is up to the coaches. All I can do is go out there and correct what I did wrong, and just improve. I'm not exactly sure so that is something that coach would have to answer."

On how hard QB Michael Vick will challenge him for the starting spot: "Mike is a competitor, he is a great quarterback. He always has been in this league, and that has made me a better quarterback going against him, so I am learning a lot from him. Going through this competition I learned a lot about myself and I have to keep pushing working hard. I have always said Mike and I have a great relationship. That has been a great deal and I am always happy to see him do well out there.

On whether or not he feels the quarterback competition is still even: "We're competing right now, we are competing.

On whether or not there has been conversation with head coach Chip Kelly about the offense after he has led the team for a second straight week to a score after turning the ball over the previous possession: "No I have played this game for a while and I think that my mindset is that I am frustrated when it happens, but it's just one of those things where I knew the play was over. I was excited to get back out there. I just want to get on the field and get the ball in the end zone after you do something like that. When we went out there I was sure we were going to get the ball in the end zone. Before that you do not want those mistakes to happen so I have to keep working on my ball security."

On the read for his first quarter touchdown run: "They did a good job covering it, I went through my read progression and I saw an opening so I took it, and I was still looking to throw, and they did a good job. I had WR Riley (Cooper) on the end and he had a great block and the receivers did a great job blocking. I just kept it and got in the end zone."

On whether the play was a designed option: "No, no that was a pass play."

On LT Allen Barbre letting the defensive line in deep into the pocket on his touchdown run: "Yeah that is what he is supposed to do. He did a really good job of allowing me to step up into the pocket, and the line did a great job blocking. It is just one of those things where everything is pretty well covered so I was just trying to change my point of view and change the angle of my throw by rolling out on the run. A lot of times the receivers lose (their defenders) when that happens and it is hard on the defenders if it is sort of a scramble drill.

On RB LeSean McCoy's running game: "I thought he did a great job. LeSean is a tremendous back and if you give him a little bit of space he can make amazing things happen. It helps when you have a running back do that and the line did a great job opening things up for him.

On whether or not there are different plays being called when he is on the field compared to Michael Vick: "We are running the same offense. We are both going at it and running the same offense."

On whether or not he thinks more about his six completions or his one interception: "I think the thing I need to work on is the interception, and looking the ball in so I focus in on that. I have always focused on the things where I think I did not do as well, and I try to make those better, those are all things I can fix. That is something I can fix and will fix. The completions are great and you will watch film and you will look at them and maybe get something out of it. The things I want to focus on are the things I didn't do well and make those better."

On whether or not he regrets not having the chance to throw the ball deep down field: "That time will come. I feel like we moved the ball and that is the most important thing to move the ball down field and put it in the end zone. The two times we did I fumbled one (previous game) and threw an interception. I feel like whatever it takes to get the ball in the end zone, whether it is short, intermediate, or long passes that is what we are going to do. The time will come to launch one out there."

On comfort in the offense: "I feel really comfortable, I feel real comfortable out there. When the plays are called I feel that I am seeing things well, execution wise. I feel that the offense is doing a great job. There is obviously stuff to work on, but there are a lot of things we can correct and that is what is exciting. We have to make sure we do not turn over the ball, that is a huge thing. We were fortunate to come out with the win tonight, but a lot of times when you lose the turnover ratio, it is not in your favor. Those are things we can correct and work on."

On whether or not he feels he has to have his best performance in the next preseason game against the Jacksonville Jaguars: "I just have to go out there and play. I have to improve on this one and correct the mistakes, and just go out there and play football."

On whether or not his mobility in the pocket was designed plays or improvisations: "Some were designed and the touchdown was just sort of, I stepped up, I stepped up and did not see anything open, so I am not just going to stand there. I am going to try and make something happen.  It just turned out that way, as a quarterback you have to be able to run and get a couple yards throughout the game."

On whether or not he is faster than last year: "I think so; it is something I have worked on in the offseason to improve so that is something I will keep working on to improve, foot work and everything."

On how much of the offense Head Coach Chip Kelly showed in comparison to the first preseason game: "It is hard to say, I feel like we run stuff that we feel comfortable with right now. We are working on things. We will add stuff during the week. We will take stuff out. I couldn't give you an exact number."

On the timing of calling plays and proceeding to snap the ball: "It is more body language, making sure the line has their calls, really just making sure we are set. When we are ready, I'm going."

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