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Philadelphia Eagles News

Game Vs. Redskins: Eagles Locker Room

Wide Receiver DeSean Jackson:

On his two touchdowns: ""On the first one, on the first drive – it was really a blessing to be able to be put in certain positions to take advantage of the defense with my speed. I looked up the field and saw nothing but green grass. Jeremy [Maclin] did a great job 50 yards down the field blocking. I just did what I could to get to the end zone. On the second touchdown it was a third and long versus a pretty good corner in Carlos Rogers. It was a double-move and I went one step in on the in and he bit. I just went up the field and Donovan [McNabb] put it out there.""

On winning this game after last week's disappointing loss against Oakland: ""This is a huge win for us to start of the NFC East with Washington. Last year, I know I had a pretty bad game and I just wanted to come in and do the best I can to put us in a great position for the NFC East. We lost to this team twice last year, so we definitely couldn't start it off with a loss. We knew this was a big game and a lot rode on this game. We did what we needed to do to win.""

On the Eagles offense being big play or nothing: ""We could do some things better at times. We weren't always crisp like we needed to be, but that happens. It is football, sometimes the defense is going to win and sometimes the offense is going to win. We will go back into practice, work hard and hopefully next week we will put it together a little better.""

On how important it was for him to come out and play well: ""It was a huge opportunity for me. Like I said, the players and coaches know how this game stuck out to me. It was a blessing to come in here like this and be able to do what I did today and help the team in anyway possible by sparking it with some big plays. It was a huge win for us.""

On planning the end-around play: ""We definitely knew they bit. The d-end (defensive end) was biting. We knew we could get around it. It was just a great call by Marty (Marty Mornhinweg) and Coach [Andy] Reid and we took advantage of it.""

On how the team uses his versatility: ""The biggest thing I can say is they put me in great positions to expose the defenses. Anytime you have the coaches and the other 10 players helping you and doing everything they can to go out their and have success. Just keep putting it together.""

Running Back LeSean McCoy:

On wide receiver DeSean Jackson's performance: ""You really can't even put it into words. A guy his size, the way he plays, the way he runs, you've seen it. He is a special player. I have got to say he is probably the best player I've played with or against in college or professionally so far. Just saying that right there means a lot.

On what the team needs to work on: ""We have got to work on closing out teams, not letting them up, or creep around. Hopefully we can get up on the [New York] Giants. It is going to be a tough week and it is a short week. The preparation will be to focus in. This was a good win, but we need to get past it and get our focus against the Giants.""

On how scared he was when Brian Westbrook got hurt: ""It was scary. Any player who is down for that long, you are kind of worried. Especially, with the relationship I have with him. I was more worried about his condition and how he is feeling then getting out there and playing. Hopefully we get him back. He looked fine when he came back in here. We hope he is ready to roll.""

Quarterback Michael Vick:

On the success of his season thus far: ""My season has already been successful. I made it back to the NFL thanks to Commissioner [Roger] Goodell and him being so gracious to give me an opportunity – and a second chance. It was a dream come true for me, and the exclamation mark can be winning the ring and helping this team go as far as it can.""

On his increasing number of opportunities in the offense: ""Next week I may get more, next week it may be less. It depends on the flow of the game. That dictates how much I am going to be out there playing.""

On his run: ""It was the first time I was able to get out on the edge. They had been boxing me up and this time we hit them with a different look – a shift and then a quick count so they couldn't really get adjusted too what we were trying to do. It felt good to get out on the edge. Felt good to open up a little bit.""

Linebacker Will Witherspoon

On his mindset coming into the game: ""My mindset was just to come in and play the game well, and hold up my end of the bargain as far as what I need to do out there in the defense. I think I did a pretty good job with that. I still made some mistakes, but it's only going to get better.""

On scoring a touchdown in first game with the Eagles: ""It's a great feeling any time you get a chance to put your hands on the ball, especially if you get a chance to score. For the first game, with a new team, for me it puts the stamp on it by saying, 'Hey, this is exactly what I want to bring to this team, and this is exactly who I want to be.'""

On being comfortable in a new defense: ""I felt like I knew what I was doing. Again, like I said I made some mistakes, but that's only going to get better with time. Being in the defense and definitely knowing exactly what's going on out there, that's going to get better next week, and better the week after that.""

On personal responsibilities within the defense stopping tight ends: ""It's a lot of pressure, but it's pressure you have to accept. Especially in this game, you have to pride yourself in doing your job and if that's part of my job then I'm going to get it done.""

On how well the defense played in first half: ""It's a little bit surprising I guess. You can't expect to get a sack, cause a fumble, turnover, and an interception return for a touchdown. You're like, 'What? Who in their right mind would think that for the first game?' But when it comes down to it, it did happen, that's the way it is, I have to look for that moment and look for that next play.""

On moving to winning team: ""It's great. First thing that is great is that it's great to get a 'W' again, that's always a wonderful feeling. But these guys are great. Akeem [Jordan], [Chris] Gocong, those guys are all great guys in the locker room around me. The whole crew definitely brings a presence that says, 'Hey, we want to go out, we want to play, we want to go out ever single week and every single game and put a pounding on somebody.'""

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