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Philadelphia Eagles

Philadelphia Eagles News

Head Coach Andy Reid

Injury Report: "[G] Max [Jean-Gilles] has shoulder inflammation and is going to rehab that this next week. He should be fine as we go into next week. [WR Kevin] Curtis, knee inflammation, he is working on rehabbing that. We'll just see how he does. [S] Quintin Demps with a hamstring strain, he's getting better. [G/T] Todd Herremans will have a scan on Thursday to check out the stress fracture that he had in the foot there. [QB] Donovan [McNabb] is making progress. He had some tightness in the rib area there, but he's on the mend. This will be a good week for him to have off and rehab. [CB] Dimitri Patterson is getting better with a hand fracture. [RB] Brian Westbrook, with a sprained ankle, again this week of rest will help him out."

Opening Remarks: "I gave the players the week off. They'll be back here Monday and resume work at that time. Tuesday will be their day off next week and we'll proceed with a normal week after that. I thought the coordinators and coaches did a nice job with the game plan yesterday. I thought the players did a nice job executing. [QB] Kevin Kolb obviously had a nice game. Really two consecutive games, we would like to take the one interception away the second half of the New Orleans game, on the second series there. Other then that, for a young guy throwing as many yards and executing the way he has over the last couple weeks says quite a little bit about him and also the players around him. I thought the offensive line played well. They gave Kevin time to throw the football and in the run game, I thought they did an adequate job there. [WR] DeSean [Jackson] and [TE Brent] Celek both had very good games receiving the football. We were also able to get [WR] Jeremy Maclin involved and [RB] LeSean McCoy involved. I thought both of those two, for their first game, did a nice job.

"Defensively, as a unit I thought we played well. We rallied to the football. We were aggressive on the defensive line. I thought the defensive line stood out with their aggressive play. They set the tempo for that group. The secondary attacked the football and they challenged the receivers. It was a collective effort on those third downs, 0-11 on third downs, so I thought they did very well there. Special teams, the coverage teams, were better. Is there room for improvement? There's room for improvement on all phases of our offense, defense, and special teams. I thought our coverage teams did well. I thought [P] Sav [Rocca] punted better than he did the week before, not that he had a ton of opportunities there, but the ones that he did have, he did well. And then [K] David [Akers] is kicking the ball very well right now, doing a good job there."

On whether he sees there being more of balance between McCoy and Westbrook once Westbrook is able to play again: "I think that will take place. [LeSean will] rotate in there. I don't know exactly the rotation that we would do, but it would work him in there. We'll just see how it goes."

On whether there is concern that the Wildcat will make McNabb more prone to reinjuring himself: "I'm sure they will try to do that. But I think by the time we get there, I think his ribs will be able to take whatever anybody gives him. There's chance he gets hit as a quarterback too when he's back there. I think he'll be in good enough shape where it won't be a problem."

On the type of rehab work McNabb will be doing over the next week: "He's going to be doing just that. He'll be working to get the soreness out, the muscles in between the ribs, tightness in there. Getting that stretched out. [Head trainer] Rick [Burkholder] has him on some things that work that area, help loosen up those muscles. And then he'll continue to throw."

On working with McCoy at keeping the ball closer to his body: "He did better in that area. There were couple times where he got the ball off his body a little bit. It was much improved in that area and we'll just keep making it a point of emphasis with him and he'll get better."

On whether many players coming out of college have trouble with holding the ball close to their bodies: "Some do, some don't. It depends."

On DeSean Jackson's groin and whether he thinks he shouldn't have done that flip after his touchdown: "Well it looked like his groin was feeling pretty good right there. Any time that you can do that type of thing, you're looking okay."

On whether Jackson's vomiting after the touchdown was a result of his flip: "The flip? You mean like his equilibrium was off? I don't think so."

On C Jamaal Jackson saying he told DeSean that he wished he hadn't done the celebratory flip after his touchdown: "I always tell the guys [to] act like you've been there. He's an exciting little guy, so he adds a little spice to things. He puts his little flare on it. It's nice to get him in the end zone."

On whether it is important to let the guys show some of their personality: "I don't mind a little personality. I think that's good for the team. I know with DeSean, when I tell him to act like he's been there, he can tell me he's been there once or twice. Adding a little spice to it doesn't hurt."

On concern regarding Westbrook reinjuring his ankle as the season progresses:"We'll see how it goes here. I don't get into all that. I know we've got other players here too that can play. We'll just see how he does. This could be a one-time thing or it could come up again. I'm not too worried about that."

On QB Michael Vick saying that he thought 10 or 11 snaps was around the maximum he would get in a game to avoid disrupting the quarterback's rhythm: "We'll see how all that works. That's what he ended up with yesterday. He had the ten snaps there and one at wide receiver. We'll see how it goes number-wise. I don't think there is necessarily at set number that you have to have. It seemed to work out okay yesterday."

On mixing in two running backs and whether it being difficult to do is the reason he has hesitated to do it in the past:"It's not tough. That can be done. I think this game helped with LeSean, just to see where he was at with the protections. I thought he did a nice job with that. That's always a concern with certain guys. We can do that. I need to do a better job of that. I should have done it with [RB Correll Buckhalter] obviously, he's up in Denver gaining a 100 yards every week, probably should have had him play a little bit more."

On whether he feels like he is in a better position to use two running backs this year than he has been in past years: "That's taking something away from other guys that have been here. We knew Buck was a good ball carrier. It's just a matter of doing it. I just have to get it done and work them in and we go from there. When we had the three backs going, we assigned certain plays to certain guys and went about it that route. These two are very similar in a lot of things they can do, LeSean and Brian. You can flex LeSean out, we haven't had a lot backs that can do that part. It should make it easier. I've just have to do a little bit better job when they're both healthy doing that."

On the amount of snaps G/T Stacy Andrews had and how he did with those: "I can't tell you what the number is, but he did work in there and I thought he did a good job. It was good to see. It looked stronger and he was getting better separation and normally, at least with Stacy, when he feels comfortable with his feet and sticking his feet in the ground, moving his feet quicker, then he's not grabbing the guy as much with his hands. He's sticking the guy, nice and inside leverage with his hands and so on, he will see things going on around him. I thought he did a better job."

On what he sees the situation with Jean-Gilles, Andrews, and G/C Nick Cole being in upcoming games: "All three guys are playing well. I don't mind playing all three of them, that doesn't matter to me. They can rotate in and do their thing, that's not a problem."

On whether it is difficult to juggle three or four quarterbacks: "I don't worry about that. As long as they all kind of know their role, I don't have a problem with it. I think that the guys that we have here understand their role and are willing to go with it. Not that they all don't want to start, I'm not saying that. I won't have a quarterback that doesn't want to start. That is just not a healthy thing to have on your football team because those are potential leaders. They are a play away from being a guy that has to step in there and be a leader. They also have to understand the situation here that Donovan is the number one quarterback and we go from there."

On what is on Vick's to-do list over the bye week: "The to-do list is in process here. I want him to get out of here, though, for a little and freshen up, along with all of them, and come back ready to go. But we do have a couple things for him in mind."

On whether it is particularly important for Vick to get away during this bye week given the scrutiny he's been under:"I do, and I'm not saying it because of the scrutiny. I think for all these guys, they just need to get away when they have an opportunity and refocus and come back ready to go."

On going for it on fourth and one in the second quarter: "When the momentum reversed, I was thinking that wasn't very smart. As I was going for it, I thought we were going to get it. Sometimes that's the way it goes. I thought we had an opportunity to pick it up. We've got to do a little better job on the edge. Dealing with [Chiefs LB Mike] Vrabel, he's a smart guy and he stretched the play out, [we] didn't get the edge quite sealed the way I wanted."

On whether he thinks members of the defense are accurate to say that they feel the team backed off scheme-wise in the week two: "I think when it was all said and done, we could have blitzed a little bit more the second game. They did a couple of things, they checked out of blitzes and put us back into coverage. This crew here tried to do the same thing; we worked through some things there. [Defensive coordinator] Sean [McDermott] I think did a great job with it. It worked out well for us."

On whether learning to stay aggressive against strong teams like the Saints was a learning experience for McDermott: "I would tell you, I've been coaching a couple years and every day is a learning experience. You learn every week. Whether you win or lose, you learn something every week. Sean, I'm sure learned something from that and went back and fixed it the way he wanted it done. I saw [former defensive coordinator] Jim [Johnson] do that. I've seen every defensive coordinator I've been around, and offensive coordinator, do the same thing."

On whether he thinks this team is deeper than teams he's coached in the past: "I think the average age was like 24 yesterday on the offensive side there. We had young guys in there playing, you might check me on that number but it was somewhere in that area, and that's a tribute to [general manager] Tom Heckert and his crew for doing a nice job with the personnel and bringing guys in and giving the coaches an opportunity to coach good players. Defensively, we worked a couple young guys in there that have done some nice things for us, so there is a little bit of depth, and good solid depth."

On whether having 20 of the 22 starters on offense and defense being players that were either drafted or signed as rookie free agents demonstrating the model he has always wanted: "I've always said that you'd rather have your team be built through the draft or college free agents than go out and sign free agents; [reporters have done studies on this]. The success rate of free agents that you bring into your organization, the percentages are against you a little bit. You're better off teaching your own guys, raising them, as you'd say, in your schemes."

On whether he thinks bringing McCoy in for more touches will ultimately help Westbrook more: "We'll see. I just want to see how Brian does after this week; see where he gets health-wise. I know it can't hurt, to answer your question. It's not going to hurt to have LeSean in a position now where we know he can get in a game and go and be a solid relief pitcher there for Brian. We'll see how it goes. We'll see how that works out."

On FB Leonard Weaver getting more reps yesterday than in the first two games: "He was on the field more. It was more due to the formations that we were doing and the matches we thought we could get based on personnel. The one thing that we haven't done with Leonard that he's pretty good at is carry the football. Leonard has been very productive his career doing that; in Seattle in particular, that one year when they came back here and did it. We can to that a little bit too as we go on here."

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