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Philadelphia Eagles News

Head Coach Andy Reid

Injury report: "(DE) Victor (Abiamiri) had the screws removed out of his wrist yesterday. He will not practice today, but he'll resume practice here pretty quickly. (RG) Shawn Andrews is having a specialist look at his back today, actually, as we speak. (RB) Brian Westbrook went through the walkthrough and we will see how he does for this afternoon. Everybody else is okay."

Opening remarks: "We look forward to the opportunity of playing the Redskins. We've had a chance to go through the film of the past game. We have put that aside. We learned from it, which is the important thing, and to move on against the Redskins. They are a very good football team coming in here; an NFC East opponent. It will be a great atmosphere for a football game at Lincoln Financial Field. Like I said at the last home game, our fans were unbelievable at that game, and I know they'll be unbelievable this game."

On whether it is tougher to get past a loss when players think they should have won: "That's my responsibility. I'm not saying who is better than who, but that past game was my responsibility to get my football team ready to play and make sure that we come out on top. It starts there, it ends there."

On whether he was encouraged by what he saw out of Westbrook in the walkthrough: "It literally was a walkthrough, but it was good to have him back out there. He's trying like crazy to get himself back out on the field and that's important."

On whether he would be optimistic about Westbrook playing on Sunday if he was able to practice this afternoon: "We'll see. I don't know how much I'll give him this afternoon. We'll see how he does and gradually give him a little bit more each day and see how it works out for Sunday."

On TE L.J. Smith's status: "L.J. will practice full-go today."

On Redskins QB Jason Campbell: "He's playing great football. You have to think that this kid has had how many coordinators in college and how many in the pros now? He is well-versed in a lot of different offensive schemes. I have a lot of respect for him. He's playing his heart out right now. It looks like he and (Redskins head coach) Jim (Zorn) have a good relationship. He has great command of that offense right now."

On whether there is a growing physical demand at the running back position: "I think that's a valid observation. I think that is a tough position to play in the National Football League. You're going to take some beating on your body. Granted, we try to deliver the beating, but whether you're taking it or receiving it, you're getting licked. Those things add up. It's very obvious around the league. Over the last few years it's very obvious around the league. That's why having two or three good running backs is very important."

On why he thinks the team has been able to bounce back after losses so effectively over the years: "First of all the players believe in it and as coaches, we try not to dwell on it. You try to learn from your mistakes. That's the important thing in this. You can sugar-coat it any way you want to sugar-coat it. The bottom line is you put on the film and look at it. If you goof, you fix it. You can't get the play back; you can't get the game back. We all had a piece of the pie, starting with me. We have to be better."

On whether he worries about losing contact with the rest of the division: "No, I don't worry about that at all. I worry about the Washington Redskins and that's as far as I go worrying. I've been in this league too long and seen too many things, including the Giants last year. We were in that same situation as we won the NFC Championship or competed for NFC Championships. You can't worry about all that. All you can do is worry about the next game and take care of it."

On whether QB Donovan McNabb is completely over his injury: "No, he's not. As a matter of fact, he's very sore today. That's going to take a while to get completely over. But, Donovan is getting out and he's working and getting his treatment. He's doing all the things he's supposed to do to get himself ready for Sunday."

On where the team is compared to where he thought it would be at this point: "I've told you this before; I expect to win every football game. People ask me how many games we're going to win. You sit there and tell me which ones we're going to lose. I just don't go that route. I go in and say I know we have a good club. We all have to do a little better, and we're getting ready for the Redskins. That's how we evaluate it."

On how Zorn has put his stamp on the Redskins: "He took over a team that I think was very well-coached. When you're coached by a Hall of Fame head coach and a playoff team, that speaks for itself there. It's very easy for a new head coach to come in and goof it up. I think the thing Jim has done is come in and challenged the players to take it to another level. They've responded. I'm not in his locker room or his meetings, but however he is delivering it, they're listening and performing."

On RB Lorenzo Booker: "There are a couple of things he needs to work on. He's going to do that. He got some playing time this past week and we'll just see how his reps go as we go on here."

On how important it is for Booker to pick things up: "He always has to be ready to go. He has to continue to get better at some of the things he hasn't been asked to do before and he's working on those."

On the rushing attack: "I've got to do a better job with that. I have to put our guys in a better position to be successful with it. This game we started out a bit slow with a couple of penalties that happened to be run plays. It took us away from it, but I thought we finished the game very strong. I was happy about that. I thought (RB Correll Buckhalter) ran very hard and did a nice job in there."

On taking a similar path to become a head coach as Jim Zorn and whether it's hard to play a team that is a mirror of his philosophy: "No, it doesn't. It comes down to execution. I'm sure each of us will have a couple tricks up our sleeve, or at least we think we do. We'll go out and do our thing. It doesn't make it any tougher. I spent a lot of time with (defensive coordinator) Greg Blache, and he's been there a while. He kind of knows what we're doing and we kind of know what he's doing. We'll each put our little wrinkle on this game and see who comes out on top."

On how an illegal formation happens on a punt: "The officials warned us on this. This isn't something that is a surprise attack. You have to align properly on the center. In a punt look, you have a tendency, like the tackles do on the offensive side, you do the same thing on the punt team. Guys have a tendency to cheat themselves back a little bit. They're not quite as aware of the alignment. That's a small detail; that's one of the things I'm talking about, things we can tighten up and make better. With that, we have to keep hammering it. I have to keep hammering the small details as the head coach and obviously the guys have to make sure they stay focused on that during the game."

On losing so many close games recently: "That's a legitimate question. Games in this league are won and lost by very small margins. When you are in the classroom, when you're out on the field practicing, it's very important that you detail everything. Likewise, with the coaches and the head coach, it's important that he makes it cut-and-dry and detailed. We can all do a better job at that. That starts with me and making sure that I continue to emphasize that."

On whether he discussed the option of doing a quarterback sneak with McNabb during the timeout: "No, I had already determined that going into the game. If it came down to that, we weren't going in that direction."

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