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Philadelphia Eagles

Philadelphia Eagles News

Head Coach Andy Reid

Opening Comments: "Alright, injuries – we have [S] Jarrad Page had a stinger in the game and so he's being checked out for that. [DE] Trent Cole and [T] Jason Peters are the only other two, and they're making progress we'll just have to see how they do as we go forward. There are some good things we can take out of this game, and I explained this to the team, when things are not looking very good in people's eyes, I thought the effort was good. I thought as the game went on we continued to get better in most phases of the game. The thing that has to change, though, is the obvious, and that's the turnovers. You eliminate the turnovers, you get better results, and you put yourself in a better position to win football games. You can't give good football teams ten points off of turnovers, the field goal and then the obvious touchdown. And then field position also becomes a key. You want to make sure that they're always driving long fields, in particular the way the kicking game is right now. With that, we'll go back and we'll work on those things and we will get better. It's important that we maintain the intensity level that we had, in particular throughout that second half. I thought we did some good things there."

On why it took until the second half to increase the intensity level after losing three straight games: "Well, the intensity I thought was good through the game. I thought we missed a few tackles, you know, probably in the first half that we didn't miss in the second half, and that was probably the biggest difference."

On what he can do this week to correct the turnovers, tackling, and penalties that he hasn't done in previous weeks: "I've said this before, it's important from my seat to make sure I evaluate if we're putting the players in the right position to make plays, and then if the players put in the right position aren't making the plays, why if they are there, that that's not taking place. I go through that evaluation first, and then our coaches, I go through it with the coaches, both sides of it, for coaches and for players. I do the same thing with players, as do the coaches. What you do is you go back, and to eliminate turnovers, you go back and again, you focus on are you putting them in the right spot, and then if you're putting them in the right spot, are we concentrating, are we moving our feet the way we should move them, or whatever it might be that's causing the turnovers."

On whether the team was pressing at all during the game Sunday: "I don't know if it's pressing. Do they want to win a game? Yeah, absolutely, the players want to win a game. So do the coaches and everybody else. But there's a certain process you go through, and you go through it. I wouldn't say a tipped ball is pressing, I wouldn't say that. I don't see that as a problem with the turnovers, I see other things."

On whether the largest with problem with the tackling is technique, talent, or effort: "There's a couple things, but we've got to keep working is what we need to do. And then make sure that we're putting the guys in the right position where they can make the tackles."

On whether it is time to scrap the wide-nine scheme: "No."

On what changes have to be made: "Well, you have to do what we did the second half. The things we did there, we did a couple little things there, and that's what we need to do."

On why he is sticking with the wide-nine scheme: "You obviously saw it work the second half very effectively. We've just got to continue to work with it. Listen, anything new you've got to work with and work out the wrinkles and get it right. Players, they have to learn it, coaches have to learn it, particularly the new coaches. So it's a joint effort there."

On what he did in the second half that made it better: "We tackled better. I thought the defensive ends and tackles did a better job up front. I thought [Defensive Coordinator] Juan [Castillo] did a good job of getting the guys in the position that he wanted them in."

On what his message is to fans that are frustrated at this point in the season: "Well listen, I completely understand. I understand that. The thing that myself, our coaches, and the players, we're going to work our tail off to get it right. That's what we're going to do. We're not backing up a leg, man. That's our approach."

On whether he needs to make more of a commitment to RB LeSean McCoy during the game: "You've got to make sure you roll. What you do, you've got to mix and match, but obviously him touching the ball it's normally a positive thing, whether he's catching it or running it."

On how being "sloppy and dumb" became the hallmark of the Eagles according to SI writer Peter King: "Well listen, it's a free country, man, everybody can have their opinion. We don't worry about all those things. We're worried about getting better and fixing the situations that we need to fix. But everybody will have their opinion. Listen, it's America, everybody can do that."

On whether he agrees with Peter King's assertion: "I think we need to make sure that we focus on the things we need to get better at, and take care of those things."

On what isn't working: "The obvious are the turnovers, the red zone was an issue, not quite as big yesterday as it was in the week before, penalties, those are an issue. Those are things we can take care of and we will continue to work on and get better."

On whether there will be any personnel shakeups or benchings to send a message: "I haven't done anything today, no."

On whether any personnel shakeups or benchings are possible for this week: "Well, I don't know that. We'll just have to see."

On whether Castillo is still his defensive coordinator:

On whether he has the personnel to stop the run: "Yeah, I think we do. We showed that after that series, we tightened up a little bit and did a better job."

On whether he is grateful to have a bye week coming up: "Well I'm glad we have a chance to play the Washington Redskins this week, and then I don't worry about anything after that."

On how you stop a player from fumbling from the sideline: "Listen, we're all part of the situation here. It's not one guy, it's all of us, and we're all in it together. That's one of the great things about football. It's a team sport, and we've all got to do our jobs better, and when we do that we'll have better results."

On how you address ball security in the middle of the season: "You continue to work on the fundamentals, I mean, that's what you do. Whatever the situation is, they're not seeing anything that you guys don't see or that somebody else doesn't see. You've got to keep the ball high and tight, and make sure that you cover it in traffic."

On whether the players are listening or not getting it: "Well listen, if it was one particular thing, than you might say that. That's not how I feel, no. I think that the players are listening, we've just got to continue to work our fundamentals and do the right things in practice, practice fast, and so on. Do the things that we've always done."

On whether he expect all of the bumps in the road because of all the changes that were made in the offseason: "I would never say that. I go into every game expecting to win the game. Are there certain things that you've got to learn? Yeah, but I expect to still win the game. There are no excuses for anything here. I'm very upfront with you here. It's my football team, I've got to get it right, and we'll do this thing as a football team. You've talked to the guys and the coaches, some of the coaches, the coordinators, everybody is being accountable. We're going to work through it and get it right."

On what is going on with QB Michael Vick's interceptions: "There were some tipped balls. When you look at the interceptions you look at is the quarterback making the right decision, are you putting the quarterback in the right position according to that coverage with the called route, is the quarterback making the right decision, how is the protection holding up. And then you talk about routes, and route running, and those things. So there are a lot of things that go into those. In most cases, especially with a quarterback like Michael, it's a joint effort there. He's not just throwing it to the other guy to throw it to the other guy."

On whether Cole and Peters will be back for Sunday: "I think that will be a stretch."

On the protection through the first five games: "We've got to get better in all phases [of the game], and I'm sitting here telling you, me and everybody else need to get better at all phases, and so that's what we will work on Wednesday."

On how the team can get better at creating turnovers on defense: "We did a halfway decent job of that yesterday and we're getting better there, so we'll keep emphasizing. The players know, they know that they'll continue to challenge and those things will happen. Tipped balls and so on will end up bouncing your way, and that's how it works as long as you stay aggressive, and they did a nice job of that yesterday."

On how T King Dunlap and G Danny Watkins performed yesterday: "They did okay. They did alright."

On how he will teach discipline now at this level: "Well listen, you keep working fundamentals is what you do. You're saying discipline, I'm saying fundamentals. You keep working, and working, and working, and teaching, and teaching, and teaching, and the more reps the players get at it, the better."

On whether he runs the risk of losing the locker room with each loss: "I think all the guys are in."

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