The Academy of Motion Picture Arts and Sciences nominated the critically acclaimed documentary Inocente for an Oscar for this year's "Documentary Short" category. Eagles owners Jeffrey Lurie and Christina Weiss Lurie, through their film company Screen Pass Pictures, served as executive producers for this film which follows the story of a fifteen year old, homeless, undocumented immigrant, clinging to her determination to become an artist in the face of a bleak future.
This is the second Oscar nomination for Screen Pass Pictures, a non-profit documentary film company founded by Lurie and Weiss Lurie that addresses global issues. Inside Job, a Screen Pass Pictures production that dissected the worldwide financial crisis, took home an Oscar in 2011 for Best Documentary. Additionally, this is the second nomination for Inocente directors Sean and Andrea Nix Fine who were both nominated for the documentary War Dance in 2007.
"The Academy's recognition of Inocente is an incredible honor," said Weiss Lurie. "We are very proud of the outstanding work of Sean, Andrea, and Yael, as well as Shine Global, Fine Films, SALTY Features, Unison Films, and Gold Glove Productions."