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Check out the latest Pictures of SWOOP

SWOOP and the Green Man Group

SWOOP celebrates after touchdown

SWOOP getting the crowd fired up

Back to the 80's

Fishing is more exciting with SWOOP

SWOOP with the fans

SWOOP leaps to be with the fans

SWOOP Skywalker

SWOOP flies over the crowd

Let it snow!

Fly EAGLE Fly!

SWOOP flies in for the game

SWOOP coming in hot

SWOOP lets the competition know who's boss


Ain't nothin' but a houndbird

SWOOP is escorted off the field by security

Cheering with the fans pre-game

SWOOP knows there is more than one way to skin a cat

See we told you SWOOP knew more than one way to skin a cat

After a safe landing, Swoop is energized by the fans

SWOOP wearing a pom pom jacket

SWOOP ready to put the competition in a full nelson

SWOOP ready to knock out the competition